Dunclug College Rises to Examination Challenges in 2020!
As always we are delighted for our students who have achieved success at both A level and GCSE. This year, of course,has been different! Who would have thought that it could be so much more stressful NOT sitting examinations?
On this landmark occasion in their educational journey, it is important to remember that what our students have gained in resilience, in determination, in character and in process, far exceeds the gain of a Grade! And indeed the process of life-long learning far supersedes the outcome of one examination series!
A Level Achievement
The happy news is that, despite all the attempts to persuade us that we could arrive at accurate grades through a process of analytics, common sense finally prevailed! Centre Assessed Grades were calculated firstly by teachers allocating grades based on the evidence of student performance against the subject specific examination criteria. A moderation then took place at departmental level where colleagues discussed, shared and finalised the work across each department and ensured rank ordering was accurate. Finally, the Principal, as Head of Centre in each school checked the process, and the fairness of each grade allocated, before submitting to the Examination Boards. Therefore, the validity of student achievement cannot be doubted and can be clearly evidenced.
Subjects this year which featured very high A level achievement in the A – C range of grades were: Art, BTEC Child Care, CTEC Business, Digital Technology, BTEC Engineering, Biology, Environmental Technology, English Literature, Health & Social Care, Moving Image Arts, BTEC Travel & Tourism, BTEC Sport, and Technology.
At A Level, Laura DuBois Pidgeon achieved outstanding results: Distinction *, A*, A. A number of students achieved at least two of their three grades at A or Distinction level: Aimee Penney, Ruth Hanna, Laura Herbison, Charlotte McKay, Charlotte Waide and Timothy Hill. Other students who achieved 3 or more grades in the A – C range with at least one grade being A or A* were: Tori Agnew, Chloe Bleakley, Alan Clarke, Megan Davison, Chloe Devenney, Tori Dennison, Saskia Elliott, Joy Forsythe, Abigail Harris, Beth Lamont, Danielle Mehaffy, Lauren McCartney, Tamzin McClenaghan, Grace McCullough, Thomas McFall, Rachel McGall, Rachel Owens, Jodie Wallace. Numerous other high grade combinations were achieved resulting in the majority of our young people securing their University places. School staff will continue to assist young people who are awaiting confirmation. This fair achievement represents the second highest achievement in the history of A level at the school and our heartiest congratulations go to our young people.
GCSE Achievement
Two years ago, when we redesigned the GCSE curriculum with introduction of new subjects, and when we initiated yet further programmes of literacy and numeracy support to enhance delivery of GCSE English and Maths, we knew we would see the positive outcomes emerging this year and we have not been disappointed. Centre Assessed Grades were submitted, as described above, with supporting evidence within the school. While one Examination Board is still checking grades, we can report outstanding GCSE achievement and record levels of young people returning for our higher A Level pathways.
Of the 32 subjects delivered, the following achieved exceptionally high standards in the higher grades: Double Award Agriculture, Art, BCS, OCN Employability, Business Studies, Construction, Digital Technology, Triple Award Community Sport, Double Award Science, Engineering, English, English Literature, French, Further Maths, Geography, History, Media, Double Award Prince’s Trust, RE, BTEC Sport, Technology and Occupational Studies. Perhaps best of all, an outstanding number of students achieved 7 or more GCSEs including English and Maths.
Pupils who has outstanding individual achievement were: Louis Thompson: 4 A*, 4 A, & B, Lucy Hayes: 4 A* & 2 A, Ellen Blair, 2 A*, 3 A, 3 B, C* & C, Ellie-May McCartney: A*, 3 A, 4 B & C*, Kathryn Peachey: A*, 4 A, 3 B & C*, Kate Lamont: A*, 2 A, 5 B & C*, Joshua Waide: 2 A*, 2 A, 2 B, 3 C*, Emma Barrow: 4 A, 2 B & 2 C* & C, Will Carroll: 4 A, 1 B & 2 C*, Alysha Getty: 2 A, 5 B, C* & C, Konrad Skorowski: 2 A, 4 B & C*
Ellen Blair & Sam McKee achieved 10 grades in the A* – C range, while the following pupils achieved 9 grades at this standard: Sadie Balmer, Emma Barrow, Sam Brolly, Nicole Cuckson, Alisha Getty, Kate Lamont, Ellie-May McCartney, Justin Millar, Alysha Millar-Currie, Zoe Millar, Philip Moorhead, Kathryn Peachey, Rachel Skelly, Joshua Waide & Jamie Witherspoon. A further 26 pupils gained 8 grades at A* – C and as always we were delighted to see a vast profile of success in a host of different combinations, to the credit of the young people.
Yes, it has been a difficult year – but as always, our young people - and our teaching staff - have risen to the challenge with style. Let’s all make sure we stay safe and committed regardless of the challenges that lie ahead in 20/21. With the help of God, and our combined efforts, we look forward to better times ahead.
Ruth Wilson
Outstanding Individual Performances in A Level at Dunclug College
Dunclug College has continued to develop a strong profile of A Level subjects, as well as the number of students studying A level, which has risen significantly in the past year. While the group did not achieve the truly outstanding results of the previous year, they achieved in line with their potential and the school’s expectations. This year, 65% of the student cohort was entered for three subjects and 18% for two subjects at A Level. In keeping with previous years, there was a large number of outstanding individual performances, with 73% of all grades being Grade C or better and 91% of all grades, Grade D or better.
The subjects which achieved outstanding levels of performance this year were as follows: Business, Engineering, Art, Care, Performing Arts (each of which achieved 100% Grade C or better), followed by high pass rates at Grade C or better, as follows: Applied Business and BTEC Sports 92%; ICT 86%; Health & Social Care 81%; Travel & Tourism 79%; Maths & Environmental Technology 67%; Moving Image Arts 64%.
Special congratulations go to the following pupils for outstanding individual performances:
Ryan Chan A A BB
Rebecca Fowler A* A* A
Chris Finlay A* A* A
Rachel Thompson A*A*B
Rebecca Linton A A B
Lucy McCullough A* A C
Stacy Millar A A C
Zoe McDowell A B B
Rachel Graham A B B
Maggie Louw A B B
Natasha Adams A B C
Joel Gaston A B C
Jennifer Kwan Lee A B C
Brandon McRae A B C
Richard Finlay A B C
Tristan Erwin A B C
Erin Caulfield A B C
Jack Bailie A C C
Whitney Hamilton A C C
Naomi French A C C
Cameron Hodge A C C
Muhammed Ibrahim A C C
Aimee McCook A C C
Rebecca Carson B B C
Catherine Millar B B C
Caitlin McGahey B B C
Timmy Maguinness B C C
Penny Darragh B C C
Sarah Kouskounis C C C
It was highly encouraging to note that 50 students in total achieved at least one A Grade and 11 achieved at least two A Grades, while 34 students achieved at least 2 B grades or better.
deserved by the students and secured their onwards pathways.
In congratulating all students and staff, the Principal noted that as usual, the Careers Department was working closely with students to ensure progression to the next stage of their educational journey.