Exploring, explaining and questioning the world we live in
Exploring, explaining and questioning the world we live in
At Key Stage 3, all pupils in Years 8 - 10 follow the Northern Ireland Revised Curriculum of study. The general learning areas include a range of topics from all three Sciences, and focuses on developing cross curricular skills and thinking skills and personal capabilities.
To study Science is to study the world around us and our place in it. Through Biology we learn about how our own bodies function, the vital role of plants to all life on Earth and about the Natural World. Chemistry, allows us to identify the chemical reactions that are going on everyday and Physics allows us to understand how cars move, planes fly and how the planets move.
Single Award Science
Science stimulates students’ curiosity and their interest in the world around them and indeed what is going on inside them. Through their work in Single Award Science, pupils build on thei Key Stage 3 knowledge and begin to understand the scientific principles behind what they can see happeningin front of them.
A modular course Single Award Science offers students the opportunity to take part in a range of practical activities, acquire new and build upon existing knowledge and study each of the three main elements Physics, Chemistry and Biology to a level which will help them in later life.
Students also learn how science has been used in industry and medicine and how these developments have contributed greatly to the quality of life for most people. Through developing problem solving skills, developing an enquiring mind and learning how to access the information they require to do so this subject helps pupils develop wholistically.
Double Award Science
Double Award Science provides the students with the opportunity to gain two GCSE grades. They will study two modules of Physics, two modules of Chemistry and two modules of Biology. This level of study will allow students to access A-Level courses such as Biology and Applied Science in house, A-Level Chemistry at Slemish College, and A-Level Physics at Ballymena Academy.
The units studied are as follows:
Year 11:
Biology Unit 1 — Living processes and Biodiversity.
Chemistry Unit 1 — Structures trends and chemical reactions.
Physics Unit 1 — Force and motion, energy, moments, and radioactivity.
Year 12:
Biology Unit 2 — Body systems, genetics, microorganisms and health.
Chemistry – Unit 2 — Further chemical reactions and organic chemistry.
Physics — Unit 2 — Waves, sound, light, electricity and the earth and universe.
BTEC Agriculture
Course: BTEC Agriculture Level 2 Extended
Contact: Mrs C Harding
Farming in Northern Ireland is a very large industry affecting our lives in so many ways whether we are involved directly as farmers providing the food to shops or as consumers purchasing the produce. Many of our pupils have a rural background and have family members involved in agriculture so the interest in this course is always high.
The BTEC Agriculture course gives an insight into the farming industry through studying animal and crop husbandry. It explores the concepts of profitable farming along with the need to follow animal welfare regulations. The course is of particular interest to those planning to attend an agricultural college or those wishing to become more fully involved in the family farm.The course covers an introduction to farm animal production, animal and plant husbandry and covers animal and plant biology which supports the work of the GCSE Double and Single Award Sciencce courses.
Equivalent to two GCSE grades, BTEC Agriculture runs on one afternoon per week, after school, for two years. Students are given opportunity to gain knowledge and to complete tasks within school and also on site with supervised activities. This is one of the most successful courses at the college and the Science Department is rightly proud of the results achieved.
Life and Health Science
Life and Health Science allows pupils to actively experience the science environment. This is achieved through a variety of approaches such as, visits to local employers like Moy Park, case studies, research, field trips and hospital visits.
The units covered include an exciting range of scientific topics:
Year 13 – pupils study 3 modules
Year 14
GCE Biology
GCE Biology will allow you to develop a deeper understanding of biological topics studied at GCSE Double Award Science. You will learn how Science contributes to the success of the economy and society, as well as discussing some of the ethical issues involved.
Always popular with pupils interested in a career in Nursing, Midwifery and other Care professions, as well as with those interested in careers in Sport and Fitness, the units studied are as follows:
AS Module 1—Molecules and Cells
Learn about the structure and function of molecules within the body including enzymes.
AS Module 2—Organisms and Biodiversity
Learn about transport and exchange mechanisms in plants and mammals, including the circulatory system, as well as learning how organisms are adapted for survival.
AS Module 3—Assessment of Practical Skills
A2 Module 1—Physiology and Ecosystems
Develop knowledge of immunity as well as learning about the processes involved in plant and animal co-ordination.
A2 Module 2—Biochemistry, Genetics and Evolutionary Trends
Gain a greater depth of knowledge in Photosynthesis, Respiration and the Genetic Code.
A2 Module 3—Assessment of Investigational and Practical Skills