It is with great pleasure that Dunclug College announces that planning permission has been formally given for its new school: a Design and Build Project which has been in preparation for the last four years, following Area Planning decisions in the Ballymena area. The new school is to be situated at the top of the current school site, adjacent to the Cushendall Road and the exciting plans which have been on display in the school foyer, indicate a state-of-the-art facility which will enable the school to continue to provide the vibrant and rich curriculum which has yielded success for its cohort of 870 pupils. It is anticipated that the school will decant into the completed new premises by the end of 2022, when the exterior programme of development of its outdoor facilities will get underway. While we know the quality of our school life is primarily about the people – our students, teachers, support staff, Governors and parents – serving the local and wider community, and preparing our young people to meet the demands of the local and global economy, it is essential that accommodation and infra-structure supports its needs. The pathway to progress has been fraught with many challenges, but this achievement is tribute to the commitment and resilience of all associated with the college, for which the Principal is profoundly grateful. We look forward with excitement to the days and years ahead and to seeing the school continue to go from strength to strength in the outworking of its worthy aims.
The contract for the new build has been secured by Graham Construction. This is a significant milestone and we look forward to working with the team to ensure
delivery of the New Build.
Mr Paul Gray, Chair of Governors, adds, “The Board of Governors are delighted that a contractor has
been appointed for the new building for the school. With school numbers still increasing we know that the Principal and staff will be eagerly awaiting the opportunity to utilise the new and
Construction of the new teaching facility, as you are aware, will take place on the existing all weather pitch to the rear of the existing facility in the first stage of the construction process. The state-of-the art 11,358m2 building will be a mix of both single and two storeys.
Once the new building is completed the school will then decant from the existing school to the new
facility, the old building will be demolished, and extensive playing fields and sporting provision will be developed in parallel with the finalisation of external site works.
This project has taken many turns, we remain committed to delivering for the pupils, parents and
community of Dunclug.