We are living in unprecedented times. None of us ever expected to see a health crisis of this magnitude in our lifetime. Familyworks is here to support you, your children and our pupils. We are delighted that we can continue to offer the Independent Counselling Service for Schools (ICSS), the service will be responding to the crisis by continuing to offer pupils access to the mental health support and counselling. The service will be offered via online video conferencing through an end-to- end encrypted medium and through telephone contact if it cannot be delivered face-to-face at present.
We are all concerned for young people as they try to adjust to unforeseen changes in their lives like reduced social contact, being at home with family, worries about exams, anxiety about health, anticipated losses. We are also concerned about the loss of support and structure in young people’s lives and the management of risk. Let me share with you how to access this support – now more than ever, the safeguarding of pupils/young people is paramount.
*Existing Referrals will continue as normal – contact will be made via telephone or the online service.
**New referrals will be received and actioned in agreement with the school’s Key Contact and can also now be made through the ‘familyworks NI’ website. The website address is www.familyworksni.com
***Familyworks NI has prepared a new series of online messages for pupils, parents and staff which will be regularly updated on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.
The Familyworks Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vimeo & Website pages are:
CAMHS Support
If your young person is receiving help from CAMHS (Child Adolescent Mental Health Service) that help should continue. If you think that your young person is thinking about self-harm or suicide, please consult your GP or they can call lifeline:
0808 808 8000
18001 0808 808 8000 (for those hard of hearing or deaf)
Junior School Pastoral Google Classrooms
It is also possible to get pastoral support and learning support through Google Classrooms.